I find it funny how I can hear christian music blasting out my window since 'round 4 o'clock and I'm reading yaoi

The irony's just killing me.
More like the music itself, but you get my point.
The music isn't different, y'know?
The only thing every single song says is "Alaba a Dios, adora a Dios"
which translates "Praise God, adore God"
Now, I don't have anything against God. I looovee him (No, I'm not being sarcastic) I just have a problem with him being used for crappy music.

Ah, I should go back to my Junjou Romantica.
'cause I've turned so pathetic that my love life consists of reading BL manga.
oh yeah and stalking random guys at the mall.
Well, that just happened onceee this friday.
he was cuteee.
December 1st, 2008 at 02:09am