Spirited Away Anyone?

I love the movie Spirited Away, and I am making a fanfic for it...and I want some opinions.

Who is your favorite character? Why? What's your favorite part? Why did you like Spirited Away? (if you did, if not just leave).

And I need some help on things.

Chihiro was ten-years-old right?

How old did you think Haku was?

And at the end of the movie, when Chihiro passed through that building thing, did she remember the spirit world? Or do you think she totally forgot about everything that happened there?

I know her parents did...so maybe she did too?

I read on wikipedia (i think it was that, some website) that the whole family forgot what happened there...Chihiro too?

Did she look back after being through that building thing because she was like "Wow I can't believe what just happened there" or "why do I have this funny feeling something live changing happened?"

And would she still be all whiney or more mature now, depending on if she remembers?

What do you think?

I know I answered like the same questions a lot of times, I just want some opinions. I love this movie and I like help, aha.

Thanks so so so much in advance and if you comment and it's not just like idk or I dont care then I will so check out your stuff ;]
December 1st, 2008 at 07:49pm