"Don't fall in love with me."

"Can I just love you instead?"

It's funny.

It's funny how just one person you hardly know can make you cry or laugh or get mad
How a simple story can over-come you and make it all you think about
How a poem can describe exactly how you're feeling just when you think no one could understand
How a small sentence could ruin or complete a life
And how a little word can set off so much

I want to be able to do that some day...
I want to be like her.

I've seen her in real life twice..
Talk to her sometimes on myspace
And have come to realize she doesn't see herself very clearly

And yet...

I want to be just like her.

I want to be somthing
For at least a day if anything

Just so I can say I was.
December 1st, 2008 at 08:56pm