Ring The Alarm-Synopsis

So---yeah. I know I don't usually do this but there is a lot more meaning behind the story than some of you may first envisage. But for those of you that know me will understand that the deception and lies that unfurl in the story are situations that are a little too close to my heart.

I'm using the story as a way of cleansing. I'm playing recent events that have occured in my life through Adrienne, Billie and Abigail. As the story goes on I'm sure what I'm talking about will become clear. If not, then my profile page should clear it right up haha.

This story is stopping me from becoming the bitter, twisted, angry laydee that a little part inside of me wants to become. Albeit slightly hard to write, I'm already feeling a lot more at ease with myself.

I hope you all enjoy it. Everyone loves a bit of drama right?
December 1st, 2008 at 11:26pm