My Dad And Rock Music

Oh god. I HATE playing music on my stereo when my parents are home; they constantly criticize me for listening to rock music.

Example : I'm listening to the Sirius music channel on TV while twisting my dreads. Listening to Avenged Sevenfold [ I think,can't remember ] and my dad walks in from God knows where. Once he steps in he immediately goes to the remote and turns it to football. I get mad and tell him to turn it back. He looks at me and says "You listen to this bullshit ?!" I don't say anything and he just sits there saying how much I've change, how he doesn't know me anymore, how I'm "turning".


Got damn! it's like rock music is the most evilest thing to him! He doesn't listen to music much but he listens to the music my brother listens to [ rap ] and listens to that. I get SO embarrassed when he starts to sing Lollipop out of nowhere. Don't get me started on when that birthday song by 50 Cent came out. I had to jack the CD from his car so I wouldn't have to listen to it anymore.
December 3rd, 2008 at 01:01am