Locked In the Band Room...

So I'm an extremely ADD person, right?


So during Guard yesterday I stepped into one of the really big band lockers and shut the door thing behind me. I was standing in there thinking: I'm so cool.


Anyway, Bailey came over to the door and leaned on it so that it caved in slightly. I tried to open it after she had walked away…. and I was stuck.

So I'm sitting there, looking at the rest of the Guard like: Well…this can't be good.

So they were about to do a run through of our show, and I was still stuck. Finally Becca looked over at me and said:

"Madi, why are you in that locker?"

I shrugged then started to shake the bars of the door saying:

"I can't get out!"

Finally, they were able to get me out.

And this is why I shouldn't be so curious.

Bad things can happen.

Especially to me.
December 3rd, 2008 at 01:10am