Gerard Way... A DAD?!

Okay... guys, apparently it's true. He's expecting in Spring with his wifey, Lyn-Z. And I guess I'm the last one to know. I just was in shock while reading the article. Speechless I tell you. I cried a little, just because I didn't know what to think. I guess it had to happen sometime...

Now, before you go bashing me, "YOU SHOULD BE HAPPY FOR HIM!" I am! I'm so happy for him, and you know why? Because he's going to make an amazing dad. He's going to give this kid such a great life, I just know it. And with Mikey as his uncle, and Frank, Bob, and Ray being his sort-of uncles, what can go wrong?

The only thing I'm worried about is My Chem prolonging new music even further... but it's okay, because even though I (and I'm sure very many others) am itching for more music, I can wait. If it's for Gerard's child, I can do it. I will keep on living.

Any thoughts? If you don't believe me, go right on to the link.

Atricle that brought me the news:

I think this finally put those Frerard rumors to rest. :D But we can always dream, can't we.
December 3rd, 2008 at 02:10am