Welcome Party For One

[Random note: I like reality shows and the people on them. They make me feel better about myself, and sometimes I think that's really why they were created. So thank you Pop culture for raising my self-esteem.)

Okay, hi. How are you? Well, I'm fine, and back, but I kind of feel bad and need to explain some things to some people. If you don't know what I'm talking about.... well, just veg a while or something. =P

Towards the end of August I posted a blog that explained that my father died, and then several hours later I proceeded to delete it. I kind of wanted to explain why I did that, and also why I was gone so long. I posted that blog the day after it happened because I really needed to vent and my computer was the closest source of release I could find. Later, I signed back on, saw the blog, and didn't enjoy having the reminder because rethinking the events was enough -- I didn't need to re-read it all the time, too. And while I appreciated the concern and sympathy people expressed, I realized I didn't really want to talk to anyone about it. (All of my family few in, and if you think your family is big, you haven't seen mine.) So, I deleted my blog and to avoid talking I just shut down my computer. And then, I didn't come back.
Then, the financial shit started to flow. Who gets the estate? Who's gonna be my legal gaurdian? (yep, right now I'm legally an orphan. Whoopee.) What about the life insurance? Social security? Health insurance? MONEY MONEY MONEY. And my family loves talking behind one another's backs, so now everyone hates everyone else, etc etc. And, we might be moving! Ick!
And, to top of the cake of happiness my opa (my grandfather, but he's from my mom's side -- german -- and so we call him Opa) his intestines (is that spelled right?) ruptured, and then he had a stroke so he's over in german in the hospital, barely hanging on.

So, that's why I've been gone. Sorry.

On a happier note.........
I got a puppy! But, my mom said the only way I could get her was to not only be responsible for her (which was a given) but pay for her, too. $700. I'm not shitting you. Seven hundred dollars! As if I have that sort of money. But then, sympathy does a lot, and some family friends came together and gave me and my two sisters $1,000 each. My sisters both need their money for college (both go to NOVA, while I'm still a loser high schooler) but I already have a lot save up for that, so I got her! We have two other german shepards, along with three cats. Now, it's even! Three dogs! Three cats! Oh the equilibrium!!!!! But, she's a tiny dog. A Lhaso apso (or something like that) shitzu mix. I've never had a small dog. In fact, I ususally think they're ugly, but she's so CUTE!!!! Lucky for her, cuz she gets in so much trouble. The rest of the money I am going to use for Christmas shopping for my family and friends, so I think I spent it wisely.... Hm.

I've said enough. And my new dog has bladder issues so I need to get her outside.
xo Chris
December 4th, 2008 at 12:06am