Freedom of Speech, or Lack There of

The elementary school my little sibs/kids go to has a new principal. Said principal took out the old playground and got a new one built. It's a 'peaceful playground'. There's this net hing that only one class per recess is aloud to use, a climbing wall, and only one slide. They kids are no longer a lowed play kick ball, tag, or any other competitive game. They kids are also no longer allowed to exclude anyone from what ever unfun game they are managing to play.
On the way back from picking up the kids, i sow him outside. I was walking by but stopped just long enough to say, "Excuse me sir, you suck and are trying to make our kids socialists, and i do not appreciate it." then walked away.
No bad language, no making a seen, just using my freedom of speech to speak what i feel.
I got back to the office (we were stuck in a nother town and going back to my stepfathers office) and the principal called to talk to my parents.
December 4th, 2008 at 10:12pm