About Finding Chihiro (read now!) 12-04-08

I'm still trying to figure out the way Finding Chihiro will turn out...and how I will write it. I might do third person accounts following Haku sometime...and soon I will start to do first persons of Chihiro.

I might also have first persons occasionally of another girl for unknown reaons I almost disclosed but would ruin the story so you're going to have to wait to see it ;]

But that's not like proven yet.

I know how the story will end up...like in the rising action of the plot. I don't know how to get there and I don't know what will happen after. You know the climax and falling action and resolution (we're focusing on that shit in school x[ ha) So yeah, I can't even tell you what's going to happen. But it'll be good, I promise.

And sorry to tell you this but this weekend (12-5-08 --- 12-7-08) I'll be at my dads which ='s no updates :[ But by that time I should have figured out what to write, how to write and damn it it'll be good. I'm not sure about an update for tonight, I'm sorry. I don't know what to write :[

What else did I want to tell you? I'm not sure. I'll make a new journal if there's more you needa know.

I hope Finding Chihiro is long...I hope it's good...I hope it's popular but I hope I don't end up getting too many comments that I won't be able to keep up with them.

Haha, I'm getting a head of myself but okay.

Thanks for reading this journal and commenting and reading Finding Chihiro and commenting and pshyeah :]
December 5th, 2008 at 12:49am