I need help! Can anyone give me advice? It isn't writers block either.

Usually I am the type of person who you will see walking down the street always having a happy exspression on her face and actually means it. Right now I feel like my head has just been blown up! I have just found out that my best friend has gotten pregnant again for the 2nd time and is moving to Kentucky to live with her sister! I also have to deal with this and two part time jobs because i am trying to earn money for college... What should I do.. I feel like I am torn up! Is there anyway to make me forget this feeling even for a few seconds or to just figure out what to do. Oh and fyi toget to kentucky by car from my house is about 6 hours. Oh and wish me luck cuz I have to take the SAT's this sat dec 6th!!
urs hopeful
December 5th, 2008 at 04:24am