What I Do At 12 AM

So its 12 am here in California and currently i'm sitting on my bed, on my mac laptop, trying to start a new story. i'm listening to some inspiration music, which is Heartless by Kanye West and Circus by Britney Spears. Kanye and Brit always tend to bring out the best in my writing skills, and they help me spark new ideas. It's odd, because I usually don't like them that much. Ugh...I always come up with these ideas for a new story, but then as I begin writing it down I start to become brain dead. I also wrote a couple ideas on this piece of paper earlier today at school, but being forgetful, I forgot it in my locker and I forgot the ideas. Yay me. *eye roll*

I felt like posting an article about a real issue, but people are so cruel on there if you don't write your article PERFECTLY. I mean, I wrote one article once, that was just on the word limit and wasn't that...interesting. It got a lot of comments that were like, "Bad writing quality." and I'm like, "Thanks..." It was weird, because I'm usually not like used to people telling me that my writing is bad. On my stories ( that i deleted) people always said that I wrote perfectly and stuff like that. But, I guess I'm just not meant for writing articles...
December 5th, 2008 at 09:01am