The Typical Mibba Clichés- A Rant.

Oh the wonders of Mibba.
This journal entry is for all those people, who have either recently joined Mibba, or have been here since the time of sliced bread.
Well, first off I head off into the crazy world of 'Mibba Welcomers.'
Aha, we've seen some crazy shit...
First to makes things clear, pretty much everyone welcomes people here-with the occasional “I'm-too-shy” types of people.-and to tell you one thing...we have Mibba Clichés.
Yes, I said it. Mibba Clichés.

Thetypical Mibba Clichés:

Before I start, I don't mean to place labels on anyone. This was purely made out of entertainment and not meant to offend.

- “The Jonas Brothers Lovers.”
Oh. My. God.
Apparently, every single Jonas lover happen to stumble across this site, see one word with Nick-or Joe-whoever they are- and join. AND, then they go all around Mibba with their stories, pictures, banners and shit, converting MCR fans into Joe Bros Hoes.

- “The My Chemical Romance “die hard fans.”
I like them.
Most of them seem to know every single thing in the history of ever about them. I can't name any time that I haven't been utterly impressed by their semi-stalker-ish knowledge.
They also have about pretty much every single fucking picture of them and its quiet shocking. They smile, sing and dance to the music.
Rock on baby. They also form into a group though, in Mibba, hide there in the corner, write CRAZY slash about the lead dude(one of you give me info on them later?) and another person and make'em fuck. :)

- “The Tokio Hotel Stalkers.”
Yes, we all see it on here at least once.
“I love...blah, blah, blah, AND Bill.”
Mhm, and frankly, I'm impressed. Like the MCR fans they know crazy shit, crazy dances,and crazy pictures all about him.

- “The, ' I heart Panic at the Disco' lovers.”
You people are abstract people. You like crazy, meaningful lyrics, with weird pictures of 18th century women all combined into the voice of one man.
And he is a one beautiful man.
S'not my fault that I keep forgetting his name....
I won't forget his face though. :)

- “The Girl Comment Rapers.”
I am one of them.
I have seen it in action.
I love it.
Pretty much the scenario is that an attractive, sexy, cool looking, awesome hair male joins Mibba. Thinking that this is a breakthrough into getting to know the opposite sex more, we talk.
We rant, we bitch, we complain, we laugh, rant some more, and ask if they are single.
Thats pretty much it.

- “A7X?”
I know, no shit about them.
But I know there are people out in the midst of Mibba who praise this band or w/e.
Please don't kill me with post- it notes.
But, you guys are awesome.

- “Edward Cullen Club or Bella Cullen Club”
No, not the Twilight Club.
The Edward Cullen Club.
with Bella involved.
Because his beautiful chiseled sparkling body, deserves to be in its own separate club so we can all mind rape him and kill Bella. (Or vis versa if you leap that way.)
Violent...yes, but no shame.

Yes, pretty much everyone else in the story...
Its either because we know we can't have him/her (Edward, Bella) or we like werewolves a lot better. Or we want Rosalie or Emmet. Or both.

-“Vampire Lovers.”
Enough said. We love the image of being bitten. Touched, fucked, hugged, loved by a vampire. Pale, fragile looking things that eat us humans alive really.
They are the “bad boys/girls.”The ones that will take you, and save you from whatever and you still want to love them.
Hells yesh.

- Indifferent People.
I'll go out and say it. Bisexual, gay, lesbians....
I give you credit. Mucho credit.
Not only do you put up with shit in the world, on top of it you put up with shit on just being who you are. So to all those people who voice it on the Internet-the place of demons were peoples true selves come on the screen- you do pretty good.
Although, some of you are so cocky, its kinda scary.
So, keep up the good work peoples.

-Slash Writers.
I love you.
I love you a lot.
You have created beautiful images of men in my mind, that will never go away.
And you all did it visually.
And I like it.

So there is so much more, and frankly I've covered the basics.
I'll get back to it later...
December 5th, 2008 at 09:28am