Hour of the Tajin

Sometimes I think theres soemthing wrong with me.. There are nights when I cant sleep at all so I'll just lay in bed tossing and turning trying to clear my mind.. cuz before I would just clear my mind and BAM! I was out like a light. Ive tried to sleep at a decent time like 12am... a few times I actually did.. hoping to wake up at a good time like 10am only to be waking up at 1pm. I would see the clock be like WTF????

I usually end up getting tired at 4 to 5am falling asleep to wake up at 12pm..sometimes as early as 10am wide awake and full of energy in just those 5 hours.. This has been going on sensee I graduated highschool which was 4 months ago... I know its not affecting my health because I havent gotten sick.... maybe I have Insomnia... maybe Im just weird and my body got used to sleeping at odd times....I dunno.

1:45am... It officially friday :D Im soo glad... I dont have any plans but whatever.. I cant make plans cuz they always end up not happening so.. I just stick with the spur of the moment stuff. Im planning on wearing my bright orange and white striped boy short undies OVER my black skinny jeeans tomorrow >_> I'll be like superman...except not a superhero :P

I have this fruit seasoning in my room (dont ask) I like to pur some on my hand and eat it like Lucas... you know the yellow Lucas? back before they stopped selling it here >_> I think they stopped selling it in 04.. now they just sell Muecas.. but anyways yah.. the seasonings called Tajin...whilst doing the usual pour on hand I noticed words in caps on the bottle

"The Ultimate fruit booster" and under it

XD Ive been eating it like candy cuz I dont have any Oranges in the house.. oh wait never mind.. I keep forgetting about the orange tree in my backyard *smacks head*

- Mordy
December 5th, 2008 at 10:53am