My Opinion About Hating on Bands.

Okay, so... when I go on YouTube and search for videos of my favorite bands and what not and I find these stupid videos about how "this band sucks." and "that band is lame." Now, I know that everyone has their own opinions about different bands, but seriously... can some explain to me the point of hating them and making stupid comments about them? Like I just don't get it at all. You can think about what you want about different bands, but there is no point at all to making hate comments or hate videos about them. Just don't like them and move on! Find a band that you actually like instead! Just respect them, they are musicians trying to make a living. They don't need to have people making stupid comments about them.

It really makes me mad, and I just had to get it off my chest. :P
December 6th, 2008 at 04:00am