EVERYONE!!! YES that means YOU too!!

Ok, I SWEAR I'll have a new story up soon! I've been really busy with a play and soem reading for school...
up next on my story aganda (just so you know) is:
-antoher Jonas Fanfic
- a Twilight Fanfic...

I'm a HOPING to get some more poems up soon...but I don't know just yet...
keep your eyes out..i'm hoping to have some free time soon! Iove you all and thanks for all the support!! it means the world to me!
love to those who love back!

P.S. Keep your eyes peeled for a sequal to the story by my friend and I...we hope you like the first one...our next thing maybe a comic book type story, but I'm not quiet sure yet!

P.S.S. I may be putting up some exerts from books I'm writing (YES I'm writing two books at the moment) I'll be posting peices of them to get feed back on if they are any good. If you like them or if you don't LET ME KNOW!
Well I think that's all my news for now! Thanks for reading this everyone! it means alot to me!
December 7th, 2008 at 04:23am