the gallon challenge

we tried.
we failed
we almost puked
we cried
just kidding.
we didn't cry.

but we did fail.
drinking that much milk sucks.

just ask my friend miss mikayla BEE
"holy. crap. I think I've peed about 5 times in an hour.
That's not natural, is it??
w/e. peace out"

she's at my house.
we're hanging out
its fun.
our friend ashley was here too.
but she left.
and OMG
im never drinking milk again.
yup yup

this just in!
Miss Bee has a shout out to HotpantsmidnightXX

we challenge you to try the gallon challenge
video tape it
and send it to us.

have fun with it
; )

December 7th, 2008 at 10:35pm