Boys Don't Cry.


Its funny to me how some people can be so against homosexuality and transgender people but are suddenly not against insulting other people, depriving them of rights, beating them up, discriminating, hurting people and exiling them.

This movie is insane. Teena Brandon has a "Sexual Identity crisis" and "she" dresses like a man and hooks up with chicks and such but she never tells them or anyone that she is genetically a woman. People begin to find out that he is actually a girl, and they run her out of a town in Nebraska. She meets a new girl, Lana and they fall in love. Lana discovers that she is a girl when she gets arrested and is placed in a woman's cell. She still loves Brandon, and they plan to run away together. But all of the friends that he has made end up finding out and they take him into a deserted place and rape him viciously.

Lana is furious so she presses charges, but the men are so infuriated that they pressed charges that they go and try to find him. They end up shooting and killing him, and Lana is left alone to wallow,

true story

The hate those men felt against Brandon was perverse and sick. How can they hate someone so much because they have different thoughts and perspectives on how they should live their own lives. How can people have so much hate that they would purposely kill and torture someone who they use to call their friend. I think the most disturbing part of it all was when they were interviewing her and she was just forced to say all of these things and being judged by the own police department. Its just insane. It makes me sad to think that there are such hateful people out there.

Purpose in life: To Love You Like I've Known You My Whole Life.

"what kind of father might hate his own daughter if she were gay"
December 7th, 2008 at 11:06pm