Frustration and fatal flaws...

I feel like im a jumbled mess of excess crap other people didn't want. all the deficienies been handed to me, to my poor consequence. and guess what? i recogonize them, but my fatal flaws get in the way. i have a big proud ego, and have no determinatio, or the want to even try. im wounded easily, and have a sharp temper, cant speak for myself, and cant do much of anything right or completely. im just half-wished talents and sorr excuses. and i feel so bad... but i cant even fix them. and trust me, ive given it my best efforts, and have made it my goal in my life to make it so that do well against my horrid odds. i dont want to die, and more than that, i dont want to die a failure.
after a point, and i can only speak for myself, after many defeated attempts, i tend to wound and frustrate myself with taking it upon my mind to berate myself. im so deficient. i feel like a person with no head in a world of extraordinary people. i never good enough, not just to other people, but to myself. and i guess, after stupid repeated attepmts, my hopes got broken, and then vacuumed, and are now in some dumpster. i study two hours for a geometry quiz, and then i come back with an 83. no. just no. then it starts to become why do i bother? but here i am, on a short break from studing (yes at 11:01 haha) to write a blog and complain to my fullest wishes. and its not even like i hate geometry. or mrs.riddle. actually i like both a lot! she's a good teacher, and the subjects fun, but i keep failing anyways, and thats steadily reducing my like for everything, including my self. sigh.... i guess listening to sad music isnt helping either... im gonna pick myself up now. the problem is i have two broken arms and legs. its hard to move with that condition. i'll keep trying anyways. (ialways say that and i can never keep to it...) back to the icoceles triangle theorem.
December 8th, 2008 at 05:04am