Bah! Humbug... and other crap.

I want to go to a far away place, a place where people ignore me because they don’t know me, not because they do.
I want to live in a world with no mind games, where people are honest and don’t hold your opinions against you.
I want to move to the place where ‘family’ isn’t just a word and to believe that blood is thicker then water.
I would love for the person I feel closest to at the moment to not be someone I’ve never met.
I want to look forward to my birthday like a normal person and not ‘bah humbug’ my way through Christmas.
I don’t want to sneer at the houses already decorated for the holidays and curse at the people who say “Merry Christmas”.
I wish I didn’t feel comforted by this dark cloud that surrounds me at this time of year.
I would like to make it through a week without anyone telling me that “they forgot”.
I truly wish that I was willing to let things go, but I can’t – I won’t.
That’s who I am.
December 9th, 2008 at 02:11am