Your input is needed.

I was watching movie yesterday, which got me thinking of a new story idea. I know another one. It still has to do with the Jonas Brothers, but it will mainly evolve around a family secret for the main character. The secret won't be given until the end of the story. I will mostly drop hints in each chapter, about what the secret could be.

The family secret has gotten dangerous for the main character and her father sends her off to tour the world under an alias, with the Jonas Brothers. The characters dad has known Denise and Paul for awhile, and that's why he picked them.

I haven't decided if the Jonas clan will know the secret or not, what do you think?

Do you think I should start writing it?

Any takers? Anyone interested?

Even maybe a co-author?

I don't know. I want some response before I really start getting into this.

So please give me your honest thoughts.

December 9th, 2008 at 03:55am