
There's no reason to writing this, besides the fact that I probably need to post, but oh well.

Gaww, I haven't had time to write anything because of finals coming up at school... I hate all the stupid advance classes I'm in sometimes, they eat all of my time. Then again, I probably shouldn't spend so much time playing video games too... Oh well.

I'm hopefully going to get the urge to write SOMETHING at the end of the school year, but I think until then, I'm just screwed... Oh well.

So uh... Why do they say at the top of this your journal needs to be "worthwhile"? What do they mean by worthwhile...? I mean, because when I ususally journal/blog, I'm just kind of rambling about what's been happening because I need some way to get it all out of my head...

Ahh crap, speaking of which, that reminds me that I need to sign up for my online classes soon... I'm really putting that off. Maybe I'll do it tomorrow after school... If I'm not dead tired.

So my dad's home... He was supposed to leave today but he didn't. Oh well though... (my dad is a cross-country trucker... And I very much enjoy him being away.) Oh, and apparently my family is deciding to celebrate christmas two days AFTER christmas... Which is a little strange... but whatever.

That's... Really it, without going into depth about everything, really. I would normally attempt to type like 3 or 4 pages, but I'm just not in the mood tonight... I think I'm just going to go read until I fall asleep now.

December 9th, 2008 at 06:11am