
Sorry, had to rant.

The art of leaving a class on your own accord.
You know what's cool?
Being accused of doing the deed when truly, you didn't.
No matter what you say, you are "thee accused" and "the reason of the problem".
So accusation isn't cool.
Espeically when there is no reason to accused someone and fail them for the rest of their lives because YOU say they skipped.
When they didn't. When a teacher can say they didn't. Along with about 20 other students who were with them.
But whatever.

Also, racism.
The art of acting like a dumbass and saying really terrible things to people who, like me, will get affended to.
Especially when you say that I should be happy that my "race" is doing oh so well in this here America.
That my "race" has it's own channel on Tv, holiday and special month.
That's cool kids.
Thanks for reminding me about all the things I learned in history class over the years.
Thanks for reminding me how people in this school actually are, not what they are acting to be.
Thank you, for reminding me about everything that bugs me.
Thanks alot dude! :)

-Jazzibee monster
December 10th, 2008 at 07:15pm