Jealous Gum

So this Mango guy... I'm head-over-heels for him. He's so cute and everything I could ever want! Some people say I could go for a smarter guy, but I like how he's pretty clueless. It gives me a reason to talk to him in math. He's nice to me and he flirts... Mango is also very, very sweet and funny. I love how he's funny. He can make me laugh no matter what he does.

He's been getting jealous recently every time I hug my best guy friend. I'm not sure if that's a good thing or bad thing. Maybe he likes me? I don't know. It's a possibility but I think it's a small one.

Yesterday, he asked for gum. I told him that I only have one piece. What he said next was great:

"Keep it. After all, it is your last piece. But... I wouldn't mind sharing the piece that's in your mouth!"

A girl shoved him. It was so cute and he is adorable. I like him. I don't know why and I feel like I shouldn't, but I do. I guess all I can do is wait to see if anything happens. There is no way in hell I will do anything. I'm too shy.
December 11th, 2008 at 05:18am