I just really don't know

I've been dating this guy I've been friends with for a while now and so then like I'm really happy. His mom loves me and so don't his sisters. All my friends except for a few aren't that happy with me dating him. He had an ex who is one of my best friends and she's told me she's over and done with him. I believe her.

His one sister who I thought was my friend has been talking alot of crap about me behind my back with my best friend about me and my boyfriend. It just really makes me upset that my friend can say that and totally talk to me and don't feel bad about it.

But my really good other best friend was the one who told me this because his sis and my other friend are in the same global class. It's really annoying me what there saying.

What there saying is that I've changed him into a city boy since he lives in the country and that. And like his sis is bitching that they always have to come get me and shit like that. It just really upsets me.

His bed is really squeeky and like he'll try to tickle me or something and I'll tell him to stop so he'll get mad and roll over on his bed. His sis thinks we're having sex since she can hear his bed squeek. But I did make the mistake of telling my friend that we did once but not at his house. So my friend told his sis and now she thinks that's all we're doing.

And honestly now that I've done it I've realised that I'm not exactly ready. And I want to take our relationship a little slower.

Those aren't the only two that are talking alot behind our backs, but what's even worse is someone who is supposed to be your best friend forever especailly since kindergarten talks crap about you and your boyfriend to your face.

He wants to get me a ring for christmas and I have to tell him no. I can't tell him about his sister and honestly even though I know it's not true the stuff she's saying, it still hurts. I can't even tell him because he will flip.

I just don't know what to do.
December 13th, 2008 at 02:27am