The Kite Runner, Batman and Johnny B. Goode.

Today I finished The Kite Runner, that book was just amazing. It's extremely well written and probably one of the best books I've ever read. I'm a sucker for good literature. I always think it's sad to finish books and it takes me some time to pick up the next book I want to read. I really like books that make you think, not really so much those about sparkly vampires.

Well, the next book I'm planning on reading is one called The Island, I believe. I got it for my birthday and it doesn't look that bad.

I bought The Dark Knight on Wednesday and I've seen it two times since that. You never get tired of Batman. I didn't really like superheroes before I saw that movie and now I'm the proud owner of Batman Begins and The Dark Knight, and hopefully soon some Smallville seasons.

Thursday I had another guitar lesson, which is always fun. I wanted to learn Johnny B. Gooode, but it's really hard. My teacher is really into blues, so this can be interesting. Since I'm more of a pop punk, ska punk kind of person.

Yeah, if you like Batman and Superman I think you should read Lina's new story. It's called Demencia and I think it's going to be really good. I'm not saying this just because she's my friend, I think she's a really talented writer, and I only read things I think qualifies as good literature. So, I think you should check it out=]
December 13th, 2008 at 10:07pm