Oh Father, Where Art Thou?

I know, the last few entires have been about my weird run-in's with my dad, but this one doesn't have to much to do with that. Anyway, I told Demi at work today about how working near my dad's house is proving to be an awkward issue because I keep seeing him, his wife, and daughter (she even came into the store yesterday). He and I talked and he asked me how much I knew about my dad, and to be honest, not very much is kind of an overstatement, but I told him basically what my sister and brothers have told me.

"Who does that sound like to you?" Demi asked. He is the only bartender that can pull off the tight shirts they're assigned to wear and also flips the bottles a la Tom Cruise in Cocktail when cleaning up.

"Sounds like my dad." I said, completely missing what he was getting at.

"Or Kenzie and Paul." Oh, Demi, for a quiet mouse, you catch on.

This got me thinking, do we fall for people that are a lot like our parents? For hetro/bisexual girls, do we tend to be attracted to men like our fathers (whether we mean to or not)?

I don't even know my dad, yet, the two guys I've been in a relationship with are guys who were a lot like what I do know of him. They very analytical, very opinonated and have amazing public speaking skills, they're unreliable, they won't admit they're wrong or apologize, they're both so right-wing it hurts, and they both give into temptation. Also, they look like him, too, in basic ways. Dark features, not too tall, athletic, light eyes and facial hair. Not to mention, small feet.

Did Freud have some kind of point?
Secretly, are we our parents?
Do we marry our fathers?

As always, I want your thoughts.

I should really start sleeping, but I'm off to the gym. I hope to come home to your amazing opinons.
December 14th, 2008 at 02:22pm