Hola, friends! Readers.

What is up? Hows life kicking for ya?

I know I never update anymore. I'm in college! Its where you write papers all the time and study and take tests and have meetings and be lazy when you're not writing papers or studying or taking tests or going to meetings! Yeah, that was a grammatically wrong sentence! Alright, enough with that, but it's my excuse as why I never update any of my stories. My point of this update is that well it's almost Christmas break. We have a month off! I'm stoked. I don't know what I'm going to do with a whole month of nothing! Besides being lazy and planning the Ultimate Crazy Extravagant Dual Birthday with my friend where we be sliding, a turkey dinner, having a personal driver (whom we are going to make wear a hat, sunglasses, and a fancy coat), plus many other activities. I'm looking forward to this. I really am. I'm also going to write! Write many chapters of my stories. Or at least I'm going to try. So since I will not have a computer from the 17th of this month to the 13th of January it'll still be awhile, but when I get back, oh when I get back…expect great wonders. Expect updates. Yep. Yep.

Happy Holidays!
December 15th, 2008 at 05:31am