Chris Weitz Announced as Director of New Moon. Aw, crap.

I think, at this point, a resounding "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!11!" is due.

Chris Weitz has been confirmed, by Summit, to be the director of Twilight's sequel, New Moon.

And I am not a happy bunny. I mean it. I can feel my fur falling out.

Now, to be honest, I'm glad to see Catherine Hardwicke go, since she appeared to be tipsy/stoned no matter what time of day it was when she was being interviewed...and it definitely came out in her work...but....

Weitz directed The Golden Compass, which was a flop.

A blasphemous flop.

A blasphemous, controversial, ill-formed flop which I was glad to see flop.

He also is the scatterbrain behind the American Pie series.

How on earth is a grown man supposed to capture New Moon?

Now, he may have had some hand in Nick And Norah's Infinite Playlist, but he's not Diablo Cody.

Is it so much to ask, Summit, for a Diablo Cody-status director?

One that doesn't see the teenage fans as a cash cow that'll take whatever cheap, slapped-together film it gets?

And one who knows a good screenplay and a good sparkle effect when she sees one? Emphasis on the 'she' part?

I mean, really.

What's worse is Taylor Lautner might get scrapped because he's too small to play Jacob in New Moon (who shoots up to about 6 feet), and....just...GAH!

This is not good news to run into at 11PM.

I'm full of sushi toxins, eel, and fruit punch.

I'm off to go sign a petition or two.

December 15th, 2008 at 06:08am