Cannot close my eyes.

Okay, so the thing is, I have no one to talk to. Well, no that isn't actually right. I have loads of people to talk to. But I have no one I can talk to without the fear of being judged as an attention seeker. It's kind of haunting over everything I want to say, so I figure I'll just say it on here where no one knows who I am anyway - no offence!
It must have started last academic year - at the end of it, so the beginning of the summer, when I fainted in school. It started a bit before that, but it was then that I actually started paying attention to this headache that has just been stuck with me. About a week after I fainted for no reason, I had a fit in school and it's followed on with three at home. I've only told my friends about one, because I don't want to worry them (if it would) or to have them judge me. I've had this permanent headache that gradually began a few weeks before the faint and it's been going on now for about five months or six months. I've been to the doctor and hospital stuff, so it's not what it is that's bothering me; it's what it's doing to me. I've become really tired and irritable for everyone. I get so angry at the slightest thing and it makes me so frustrated. I can't feel like I can talk to anyone, because I don't want to get extra attention for it at all - it's my problem and I don't think I could stand people probing me and asking me questions all the time like, "are you alright?", as harsh as it sounds.
I always feel like crying and I sometimes find it really hard to contain at school. I'm actually pretty scared, even though it's silly, just because it hurts so much and I don't understand why, but I don't feel like I can talk to anyone.
Don't get me wrong, I absolutely adore my friends, and I would trust them with anything, but it's just that they have their own problems, and I go to an all girl's school, so I'm more likely to be judged and it's just crazy.
I just had to get that out in words, sorry.
December 16th, 2008 at 11:10pm