New Things

Wow... a lot of interesting things have taken their course over the past few weeks. Second semester of sophomore year is just a few days from finishing... a couple of my friends have gotten their license, and well... i am finally with who i've wanted to be with for a long time. I'm happy. And it's a new feeling. Yes, I've been happy before... just not like this... I like it. =) But, this journal isn't meant to be about me. I'm writing this to let the readers know that life is short. I know you all are probably sick and tired of hearing that... but it's true. And this is coming from someone who has spent way to many nights wishing she had something more. Way too many hours spent wondering 'What if?' and 'Why me?' Way too many minutes wasted on silly, ridiculous thoughts, and too many seconds lost thinking too far ahead into my future. Life is too short to think about who you might marry, or settle down with. Right now, I'm being a major hypocrite because I've done these things a lot. What we as a youth need to realize is that we take too much for granted. We take each breath knowing that another one will come. We say each word knowing that we will have something more to say. When that next breath doesn't come and when you've run out of things to say... will you be wondering: 'Did I really live my life?' I just want to tell everyone to live in the moment. Don't take life for granted and don't live life wishing you had more than what you've got.

Live. Laugh. Learn. Love. Rock.
December 17th, 2008 at 05:04am