Edward Cullen Has Raised the Standards

Yeah, I sound like every other obsessed teenage girl, but honestly, I couldn't care less.
So here's the truth.
Yes I waited in line for an hour to see the movie on the second screening ever in my state. [I originally held tickets for the first.]
Yes I ran inside the movie theatre with this cheesy ass grin on my face in a stampede of chicks when the doors finally opened for my screening.
Yes I cried.
& Yes I am a true Twilight fan through and through.

Whether it's the larger-than-life world of vampires, Jacob's raw good-looks and cheekiness, the Cullen's, Edward's crooked smile and his unbelievable love for Bella or the fact you can finally feel the story not only spring off the pages, but create this 3D hologram around us, Twilight is, without a doubt, addictive, sexy, emotionally draining and beautiful all in one.

I must say, I was doubtful at first. I might've even rolled my eyes at my obsessed friend (who, I swear, is just a sixteen year old sponge, drenched in Twilight.) I read half of the first book and hated it and really didn't understand what the fuss was about. Six months on and I was ready to punch out the fat bitch behind me who I could hear quietly plotting ways to get the best seats in the cinema. It does something to me and I don't know what. My best guy friend teased me about needing a complimentary box of tissues to go with my popcorn, made my own videos on youtube, downloaded the soundtrack (even compiled tracks I thought should've been in the soundtrack) and screamed like a tween at a Miley Cyrus concert when I saw the teaser trailer.

Sorry guys, but Edward Cullen has raised the standards. We're not asking you to feed off our blood (although the risk of that happening might even add to the appeal,) we're simply asking for a perfect, diamond hard body, auburn hair swirled into a lazy Elvis style, honey gold eyes to get lost into, intelligence, charm and a whole lot of class. Oh, and it might help to be forever 17 and own some real slick car.

But you know, having all that might not even be enough. And maybe we'll spend forever wishing for someone that'll never come..
Either way.. move over Harry Potter, a new phenomenon has swept the world.
December 17th, 2008 at 11:20am