Lols...I'm just here to make two points...not to get my head bitten off...

Okay, so like the title said, I'm here to make two points/bring two things into light, not to get my head bitten off. In order to accomplish this, I shall try to incorporate humor into this somewhat serious bloggy journalie thingy.

Now, my first point is serious and was inspired by my mother. Alright, so, it has to do with this ECONOMY OMFGWTFLOL. Alright, so, we're pretty much in a great big f$*!)#! mess right now. Business are going under, banks are going under, the "big three" auto makers are two Chevys and a Honda away from going bankrupt, all because people can't afford to buy cars and invest money and buy normal crap, you know. The government is trying to "bail out" all these companies by giving them billions of dollars to save their companies.

Alright, I have a question.

What the $@!$ good is the money gonna do to "save" these companies if NOBODY IN AMERICA has the money to BUY from these COMPANIES? Isn't that a big fat waste and kick in the @$$ to the average American taxpaying citizen?!

Idea: EQUALLY distribute the 34941491 whatever billions of dollars among the citizens of America. That would:

1) Give us money to help US, the AMERICANS, out
2) Give banks, car companies, businesses, small-town operations, etc. money

Why hasn't this been done? Like I said, my mom can really take credit for this idea, and I would like to know what would be the problem with doing this? I've thought and thought and thought and I absolutely cannot come up with a con. What do you guys think?

Okay, point number two...this one has to do with Mibba LOLMFAOLOLCHEESE.

Alright, so, I saw an article published recently about one of the Jonas Dudes getting engaged or something. Didn't read the article, but I did read the comments. Several of them were mocking the article and the Jonas Brothers AND their fans. Some people were all "ZOMG who cares lol his life he sucks so stupid WHO CARES NOBODY LIFELESS BETCH LOL." Oh, and a few "NONE OF HIS FANS WILL EVER GET WITH HIM ANYWAY. DREAM ON ALICE LOONATICS LOL!!!!!"

Why do I get the feeling that if the article had been written and had involved Gerard Way, Mikey Way, or any member of MCR, or Fall Out Boy, or one of those bands, people would be singing a different tune?

I can honestly say I have an unbiased view on this because I don't particularly care for the music of either MCR or the Jonas Brothers, but I'm just making a neutral point. Ya know...


That made my morning whenever it happened a couple days ago. I am so heartless lol. But that was funny. Someone on youtube said "Damn, he missed." And someone else said "He ducked awful fast...he must be used to this!" LOL @ YOUTUBERS, LOL.

Um...okay, I guess that's it. I'll shut up for now.

Zomg bye my Mibbian neighbors. o_o
December 18th, 2008 at 03:14am