The Curse of Laptops

For those of you who are reading the David Blaise story, hello. I have some sad news for you.
You may have noticed that there is only one part of the story left, and that I haven't posted that one part in almost a week. Is it because I am a jerk? Partially. But mainly, no.

My laptop decided that it doesn't ever want to start again. Every time I restart, I just get taken to the System Restore program. I could fix the problem by having that Geek Squad from best Buy come and do their Data Backup thing, but that would cost me $200.00 and, as a student, that is money I just don't have.

What am I getting at? Well, the last part was almost finished. I'm not even kidding, it needed one more paragrpah when my computer died. I wrote it at three in the morning and am trying really hard to remember what I wrote so I can re-write it using my parent's computer, as I am home for Christmas.(Just a note, I'm using my parent's computer right now and the keyboard is sticky. Everytime I hit the "E" key, which is a lot, my finger sticks to it for a second. Disgusting.)

I'm sorry to say that you might have to wait a few more days, or longer, for the last chapter. I do apologize, because I know the last few updates took forever. In the meantime, feel free to read any of my top friends stories, or to check out older stories of mine on Quizilla( I really am sorry

In case I don't get on here before Chrsitmas; Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, Merry whatever you celebrate and Have a good New Years.

Once again, I am sorry,

Also, this computer has no spell check(which is why all the quizilla stories are TERRIBLY WRITTEN! I type really fast and constantly hit wrong.extra letters), so an added apology for mistakes.

December 19th, 2008 at 11:57pm