I can't say it right

So, I'm working on my story, Drudia, and have been for the past three years or so, and I just can't get it to sound right!
I don't know if it's the vernacular that I'm using, or if my story just sucks. But jeez, if it does suck, that's a waste of three whole years! So there's GOT to be a way to save this story.
So I'm thinking that I'm gonna upload it to this site, but IDK if I really should, becuase I don't think anyone will read it.
Also, I'm not even finished with the sixth draft, which is the best so far.
Gosh, I'm gonna go work on it, then maybe post it.
But wow, yeah major frustrations currently.
Hey, idea: maybe I'm just in the wrong mood? Cause that's what some authors have to do, they have to be in a certain state of mind, or the story sounds like crap.
Hmmm... I'm really gonna have to work on this!
December 20th, 2008 at 05:16pm