Ok, I'm sure either by now or after you read this you are ready to drag me out into the street and kill me!
There is a reason for my madness and I will explain to you the reason, so that I don't die. If you haven't noticed already I deleted the last 2 chapters of Hope that I had written. ONLY because of an idea that I got last night as I was laying in bed. So at around 3 in the morning I had written 2 chapters for Hope and they didn't go along with the story line that I had, so I needed to change it. Therefore those last 2 chapters had to bite the dust and they will be replaced I promise!!!

So please for the love of God, don't hate me or leave me nasty comments, cause I'm thinking that you will like the story line that I have planned out now.

Thank you all so much for reading and Hopefully understanding.

Love you All!!!
December 20th, 2008 at 06:01pm