Disfunctional families.

Right, if you had a child, but you'd split up with the child's mother, you would still keep in touch with the child, right?

Well, that can't be said for my brother. He's thirty-something and has a fifteen year old son. Four years ago, my brother split up with his longterm girlfriend, the childs mother. His ex-girlfriend moved to Ireland with his son, so she could be with her family. Sounds fair enough.

My brother moved to London to live in his Gran's house. In four years, he's been to Ireland once. That one time, he had to borrow money from his son because he ran out of money. I don't think he's ever paid him back.

This year, his son came back to England to visit us, did he see his dad? No. His Dad couldn't get to Luton to visit him.

On my nephew's birthday this year, his dad called him. He was on the phone for five minutes before he said he was running out of credit. He then put the phone down on him.

Last month, my brothers ex-girlfriend called my brothers mother and asked for my brother's new address so his son could send him a Christmas card. She wouldn't give it her because she "wasn't going to try and keep the relationship alive", or some crap like that. My nephew then called his Gran and asked for the address. The reply he received? "I'll have to call him and ask if that's okay first."

I'm sorry, but that's dispicable. I've always liked my brother, but that really pushes my patience to the edge. He has a son. He should acknowlegde him, for god's sake!
December 20th, 2008 at 06:23pm