Naming Your Characters.

Hello, one and all!
I'm finally starting to write a book and I'm loving it! Everything is going great, until I needed to come with a name for my main character . . . dun, dun, dunnnn! Ugh, I have no idea what to name her! My book is currently untitled, too, but I'm going to give it a name after I've written the book.
But back to my name dilemma. my friend suggested 'Marabelle' then her nickname would be 'Belle'. But I'm not sure if I want to use that . . . *sigh* like I've said before, I absolutely hate writers block!
The thing is, I love to write. It's one thing that actually comes naturally to me, something that I don't even think about. I've never had anything like that . . . I love the feel of my fingers flying across the keys, my heart racing, my brain working up great ideas, and then actually reading what I've written afterward, it's like magic because I couldn't possibly have written something like that.
And then you finally sit yourself down and start typing because you finally have a worthy idea. You write the first few paragraphs (that are really quite good), then you draw a blank on what comes next and what your main character's name is! Grr!
So if you have any ideas of uncommon girls names for me, please comment and help me out.
December 20th, 2008 at 11:20pm