Journal #1

Welcome. First journal entry and already I know what to right about. Warning to those. This is a bit of a rant. So if you cant be fucked reading...or dont like rants...well you can simply piss off.

The family. The holidays.
Updated now. My family has been piggybacking me for the past few months. They have been watching my every movement. Everything I do and they confronted me about it a couple das ago. To quote my mother, "youre shutting people out Noah. What's wrong? Tell us. We can help"...alright. Now my thoughts at that moment were this.
They obviously think Im suicidal. That makes me laugh. Honestly. The one person who claims to know their child inside and out. And she was completely wrong. wrong. WRONG. Suicide? Now I know myself, mind and body, and know I would never go to those lengths. I know my life will never be perfect. Ive accepted it long enough. So all I can really do is go with it. Deal with it and live. Living is something I do cherish. Truly. Life is something I appreciate. All the experiences I could miss, the people I would never meet, the stories I could never tell. Gone.
But as things never go to my favour. All I can do is write. Write the truth. Release feelings and emotions through literature.
Which also reminds me. I must update my story...

The holidays. I cant help but admit that I hate that holiday spirit. Sure the lights and decorations are amazing to look at. But arent they a fuckin pain in the ass when you have to pack them away. And as you grow older, more things are expected to you. Including having to buy presents for those younger than you. Yeah, the parents dont seem to accept macaroni picture frames and shit like that.

I am fine. Life is...well it could be better.
December 21st, 2008 at 12:46pm