The Worst Thing Ever Happened

Omg! I'm kind of mad right now, my laptop just crashed while I was writing! So the next chapters of my stories are going to have to wait. It was really stupid how it happened too. Ok, I was writing and talking on Man, and I'm about half way done, moving my mouse over to the Save button, and 'Beep' my computer screen goes blue, and says that it's protecting data and to shut down immediately. So right there, I'm opened mouthed staring at my laptop like 'Oh you did not just do that to me.'
Well anyway, i shut down and waited a while for it to cool down and then I restarted it again, well i left the room to go get something to drink, and when I come back my sister is looking at my laptop, my blue screen, and she's older than me so she reads the screen and then shuts my laptop down. I go up to her and I sit down in my chair, "Did it scary you?" You know I was casual, I knew what was going on with the blue screen, so yeah. She turned to me before going over to her laptop, "It scared the crap out of me!" I start laughing, and I go to my desk. When I get there, I see she spilled a cup by my laptop, and now I cant remember how much water was in it, so I clean up the mess and try my laptop again. It didn't even brother to go to the blue screen. So now I'm mad, and bored, so I place my head on my desk, and see something under my laptop. So what do I do, I look. The whole bottom of my laptop was surrounded by water! So I started wiping it up, my sister looks at me, "What happened?" I don't even brother to turn to her, "The cup that was here spilled." She looked at my desk, "OMG!" and the sad thing is she said OMG not oh my god. So the towel I'm using she getting soaked, so I tell her to get me another one, she does.
So finally I get my laptop and desk dry, and I open my laptop, its still on, so I turn it off and sit back in my chair. My sister comes up to me, "So when dd the cup spill?" And now I'm like staring off into space, "When you freaked out and went to look at it." "No! really? I never saw the cup!" I sighed and went to get my water that's on the other desk where the computer I'm typing this on is, and just started drinking. I roll over to my laptop, because I'm on a chair with wheels, and I'm feeling with my feet to see it water got down to the cables and cords under my desk. Sigh, it did. So then I had to clean that up, and while I'm cleaning, my sister is loading Sims, and not getting a thought about my laptop or me anymore. So yeah I sit back in my chair, after all the water is cleaned up and listen to my mp3 player. She walked over to my laptop and started opening the lid, so I place my hand on the cover and push it down. She looked at me for a second like "What the heck," like she thinks it's her laptop, and I glare back at her too. She shrugged and goes back to her laptop like nothing ever happened.
And now I'm waiting for my laptop to dry and hopefully it will start up again. Yeah and this computer I'm writing on is really slow...And I'm venting.
December 21st, 2008 at 06:03pm