OK,well,I just decided to post about my Christmas dance at school.It was so much fun.First we entered the gym then I took a step with my right foot,then my left,then my right.No.Just kidding.I'm not gonna bore you with how I walk.Even though it is pretty fascinating.But anyways,as soon as I got in there,I started socializing.My friend Melysa ran to me then attacked me with a hug while people gave us strange looks,'cause we're cool like that.Then I hugged my other friends then my other friend,Nakiah,attacked me with a hug too.Then the DJ started playing music and me and my friends started dancing all weird.But ya,we danced more and my friend,Bourke,got carried by her cousin to her cousin's friends.And it was pretty funny 'cause none of us-except for Erin and Bourke-knew who he was.So then when Bourke came back I was like 'Who was that?' and she was like 'My cousin.' and then ya,more talking.But the funniest parts were slow dancing.Of course,I didn't,'cause I fly solo.But anyways,most of my friends slow danced except my other friends in the 'WE FLY SOLO CLUB'.So,me being me,I went up to my friends and started clapping and cheering for them.And I danced with my imaginary boyfriend.He's H-O-T,HOT!!That night is definitely something me and my friends look back on and laugh.Especially me because I did some pretty crazy things.'Cause I'm weird like that.

December 21st, 2008 at 07:05pm