Broken Hearts

So this is what it's like to have a broken heart, huh?
You know I've never really had one before.....this is unfamiliar territory.

I guess it hurts a heck lot more when you know its your fault. I had to be so stupid and mess this up. I can't go a minute without thinking that if I acted differently, maybe we would stil be together. Stupid, stupid me.

I've been through so much drama and been hurt so many times before that i guess i've built a wall around me. I don't feel emotions as easily anymore. I still remember promising myself that i would NEVER let anyone tear me apart again.....that I would be strong no matter never let anything break my walls and crush me.

It was probably a mistake to be texting him today. It opened the wound so much deeper. Wow. I sound like a came straight out of New Moon.

It's funny how silence can make your mind twist things up. Maybe he's suddenly stopped texting back after my friend told him that i still liked him because he had to go shower. Maybe he HAD to go.....

So this is what it's like to have a broken heart, huh?
I'll never get used to this.
I can't wait to be stuck in here a little while longer.
Oh joy.
December 22nd, 2008 at 07:11am