Book Vs Movie

Welcome to another one of my blogs (tee-hee) so yea. I didnt know what category this would be so i put it as life. Hope you like.

I know sometime your guys life had read or will be reading soon, Fahrenhiet 451. Written by Ray Bradbury.
Either you have read it for fun, or been forced to read it in English. Or you just dont or ever really thought about reading it. For those who have not read it i'll give you a summary what the book is really about.
The system was simple. Everyone understood it. Books were for burning...along with the houses in which they were hidden. Guy Montag enjoyed his job. He had been a fireman for 10 years, he had never questioned the pleasure of the midnight runs nor the joy of watching pages consumed by flames...never questioned anything until he met a 17 year old girl who told him of a past when people were not afraid. Then he met a professor who told him of a future in which people could think...and Guy Montag suddenly realized what he had to do!.
Fahrenhiet 451: The temperature at which books burn.
[Courtesy of the back of the book summary of Fahrenhiet 451]

Now you know what the book is for the movie adaptation of Fahrenhiet 451.
Most of you dont know til now most likely there is the 1966 film version of Fahrenhiet 451. This movie is more not like the book then you think it is. François Truffaut the director made it more about the books then making it the same thing as the book itself. Oskar WernerImage plays Montag and Julie ChristieImage plays 2 roles as Linda (or in the book Mildred) and Clarisse (or in the book as a 17 year old girl not 20 year old school teacher) and Cyril CusackImage as Beatty the captain. There are some parts of the movie that do occur from the book. I wont name them, i dont want to spoil it for those who have not read the book. I do advise you though to read the book first before watching the movie. Like i said before the movie is not much like the book. But they are sometime soon will be making the remake of the movie Fahrenhiet 451. This remake will really (what i've read) follow the book more then the 1966 version.

Well I loved both Movie and Book. I hope reading this will change your mind a little on Fahrenhiet 451. I know it did for me. Thanks for reading this and commenting also.

More books from Ray Bradbury:
The Complete Poems of Ray Bradbury
The Martian Chronicles
The October Country
Fahrenhiet 451

For more infomation about Fahrenhiet 451 the book and movie. Well just look it up.
Thanks again<3
December 22nd, 2008 at 07:28pm