Watching Her Fall From Grace

This is my New Years Resolution: get over him. Maybe I should just lie. I mean, I'd be gullible enough to believe it. I've done it before...

And what about my friends? I swear somethings going on with one of them and I'd really like to help but I don't think I good enough for them anymore.

My group is tearing apart, ouch, there goes my heart.

They get angry at the slightest things and the people in the group that are left are being call idiots by the other half. We may have been in their past, but they can still treat us not like shit... Like, I say I hi to them, I acknowledge that they aren't in our group anymore, but I don't happen to treat them like shit.

So now, I worry about Jade; I swear she's gonna blow. She told me that if they call her an idiot one more time, that she is gonna blow. Poor girl. I wish they would just stop with me. They can call me an idiot, crazy, moron, whatever they want; I wish they would just leave Jade alone. I've been through it all before, I can cope, but these people are her primary school friends too.

Actually, I don't think she cares too much about the name calling... They just happen to be

breaking her heart.
Bit by bit,

Tearing her apart;
and watching her fall from grace
December 23rd, 2008 at 01:41am