Hiya Again:)

Hiya everyone again and thanks for all commets you've sent me :) :)
Just yesterday I created an account on mibba,and I have some comments! XD
I'm happy that I met new people,like you,guys!
I hope that you'll like me as I like you :)

Well..so I'm going to write some stuff about today..
In school all was cool...but I got B in my literature test(hm..hm..)
It's friday and in my school it's a short day,so I had only 4 lessong (yahoo!XD)
mm..I came back home...tried to sleep...but I couldn't(and I don't know why =\)
For last 4 days I feel some upset and tired of all that I'm doing everyday(school,homework and etc..) I want to change my life a little bit,but I don't know how..
and the last happy thing==>IT'S A WEEKEND XD!

Well..that's all..hope you didn't get bored while you were reading this stuff.
I'm writing things that in my heart and things that I want to share with other people.
Same with my poems.I'm writing what my heart tells me..

So guys,feel free to comment me!!!:P

May 4th, 2007 at 06:21pm