Laughter always was the best medicine.

Hey everyone ! Goddamn I am so happy today. The title basically says everything about how I'm feeling. Sean my brother, is 19 years old and in the Army. He makes me laugh so much, fuckin Pte Shorty. Sean Charles Short is his name and to be honest, all he wants to do when he gets back from being on excersize or like now, Afghanistan, is to get fucking wasted and shag birds he doesn't know !
Anyways, the reason why I'm in such a good mood is because, in my stories its getting interesting and I never thought anyone would like my stories ! It really was such a nice surprise so a special mention to all my subscribers !!
Another reason, Sean making me laugh with my gran. I bet your thinking how can you have a laugh with your old-fashioned grandma ? Well you obviously ain't met mine. Shes a fucking psycho ! She drink vodka and coke, gets wasted at the weekend, swears like a trooper and drinks like a sailor. How many time have a been wasted with my grandma ? Countless is your answer.
Readin this new book right now, Andy McNabs' 'Seven Troop'. Best SAS book ever read likes. Fucking love it !
My hair actually done what I wanted it to do so you know, major shock and happiness at that/. Living on coffee, cigarettes and Irn Bru. (For those who haven't tried Irn Bru, if you get the chance try it ! Best soft drink known to every Scottish man and woman !)
Listenin to Queens Of The Stone Age. Total stoner metal lol.
So generally in a good fucking mood !
Peace out mofo's !

December 23rd, 2008 at 11:13am