Christmas Eve.

Every Christmas Eve, Allie and I's family gets together to do dinner and open presents to and from each other. It's a lot of fun, and Allie and I look forward to it EVERY YEAR. Tomorrow night is probably more fun than Christmas day. But, I asked my younger sister to not bring her laptop tomorrow night, because ever since she got it, she brings it everywhere, now if it wasn't Christmas Eve, it wouldn't be a problem, but it is, so I have a problem with it. Its family time, and even though MY MOM, that's right my mom, says 'she's the odd one out' because of obviously me and Allie and then Lin and Amanda, she doesn't know what to do. Okay, what we are doing tomorrow, isn't different then what we have done every other year. We go have dinner, relax, open presents, and watch a movie. Does she really need her computer? NO! This is beyond annoying, it's not like I'm taking her cell phone away. She can text if she really needs to talk to someone. But, do you think I'm out of line for asking this? Or what? Cause apparently my mom thinks I'm over reacting and everything. And Becky is being a bitch about it when I asked, she was like "I'll think about it." She is a senior in high school and is going through that phase that everything is about her and only her, cause she's a the top or whatever, I want to kill her. I'm so glad she's leaving for school this summer. Legit, I know that sounds mean, but all we do is fight and I don't care, but it's hardly my fault, I'll say something and she bitches about it. Like, really? You are 17. I can't wait until she gets hit with reality in college.

So, again am I over reacting about the laptop thing? Or do I have the right to ask her not to bring it?

Thanks for listening or reading this.

Now, I'm going to watch Alvin and The Chimp-mucks.
December 23rd, 2008 at 11:42pm