So... bashing's fine now?

It's what I gather from reading comments about Twilight. Like... honestly. If you hate the book that much, there's really no point in repeating on every journal and article/review about it how much you think it sucks and you've got problems if you liked the series.

Oh my god! Guess what?! People have the same opinion about Harry Potter books! I know it seems completely absurd but it's true! Anne Rice, and whoever else that I can name, some people are going to like and others aren't. Point? Get over it that you don't like a book and move on.

Just because you don't like a book doesn't mean you have to go around bashing it and saying people who like it are stupid and have no grasp of good writing skills. No, I'm not naming names either. It'd be quite hypocritical.

Bottom line really? Say you don't like something once; fine. But repeatedly over and over? It gets to the point to people probably thinking you're a bit obsessive with how stupid the book is. Gets a bit hypocritical when you talk about how stupid the obsessive fans are.

Stop being hypocritical, get your head out of your ass and move on. :cute:

To anyone who is going to try to take the title of this journal as some kind of offense to Dujo, it's not. I had to name it something after all.

Aaaaand as another side note, this is not against any specific user. Again.
December 24th, 2008 at 03:20am