Christmas Down Under

Well, it's officially christmas in down under.
Mums in canberra, dads currently sleep. The most christmas-related spirit my father and I displayed was cranking some caribbean beats in the lounge room and wearing tinsel as gold extensions under a santa hat. The families away, mum's with her side of the family, so it was just us.

And here I am, on mibba and msn. Ha!
No more santa ayee..

New year soon. Really trying to look into the future. Heard of the new concept of 'visualisation'. That basically, the mind is so powerful it can create your reality. So, I'm putting it into practise and making a 'vision board.' Basically sticking up pictures of things I want , and want to be doing, and making a bit of a timeline of things. I should really clean up my room in the spirit of things, and try my hardest to let go of the past.

Yesterady did some shopping which was amazing >.< Not usually into the whole shopping spree thing. But everything was on sale and I had early xmas money. Bought three nice tops and two pairs of flats for like $35! BARGAIN! You can shout again :) Got pokemon, rugrats, some gangsta movie and Little Manhattan for $15 all up (mass ezy dvd sale) and FINALLY my tigers bag for school :D My brother got me a Muses voucher so I used that and bought One Love which is sick as.

Eee anywho. That's my thoughts for the day.
Oh, I saw Keith. With Jesse McCartney in it. Actually very worth the watch. Recommend it!

Peacee outt bruzz
December 24th, 2008 at 03:45pm