As If I'm Writing A Journal About Religion

For the most part, it's a general rule for me to stay off the topic of religion. I think it sparks a lot of conflict that could easily be avoided, but I thought I'd just mention a little conversation that happened between a few friends on Friday.

We had a secret Santa exchange before getting ready to open the club, and we were all pretty talkative and giggly from that (I got a Clinque gift card and key chain, for anyone who was curious, from Travis and I bought Demi a Lulu Lemon Gift Card and made him a candy apple.) Anyway, I was setting up one bar with Demi and two of the other waitresses (Connie and Naomi, I usually don't use names, but I might as well) were nearby and the ever-upbeat (sarcasm) Connie started going on how Christmas is just another day of the week and is over-commericalized, blah, blah, blah, how orginial. Connie is a very bitter person, happy as a clam when in a relationship, but in general, she doesn't like her job, doesn't like her life, and appearantly doesn't like Christmas, which is fine, some people don't.

Jokingly, at least I think, Naomi said, "Well, Con, you should feel privilaged to even celebrate Christmas."

"Why?" asks Connie.

"Well, you're not Jewish, right? So, you don't celebrate Channakauh."

Connie is an open athiest, which is fine, a lot of people at work are and they've made a lot of valid points to me, I am not really anything, I'm not sure what I believe or if I even do, that's why I generally don't bring up religon.

"No. I'm not Jewish."

"Well, you're not Christian, either, so why are you celebrating Christmas? It's a Christian/Catholic holiday and it's about Christ."

Naomi is young, vivacious, VERY devout, and outspoken, so clearly, this arguement went back and forth until both girls stormed off, Connie ready to pull out Naomi's weave with one tug-a-lug while I think Naomi was "Lord, Jeeba, Jeeba"-ing.

So, thoughts, I know you have some.

I don't know it was just something that sparked a few questions in my mind.

All that aside, I have a jam-packed day today. I have to go to work in an hour and then I'm going to change all my keys onto my new key chain and go to Andy's for Christmas Eve. I might even make a grilled cheese somewhere in between.

Happy Holidays, and if you don't celebrate anything in particular, have a killer day, either way.
December 24th, 2008 at 06:25pm